
Introduce your website to users. Show all features and opportunities with a step-by-step guide.

How they do it..

First of all you need to initialize the library: tutorJS.start({ element: 'someId', caption: 'This is it!' });
Of course for a step-by-step guide you need an Array: tutorJS.start({ element: 'someId', caption: 'This is it!' },{ element: 'array', caption: 'Just that!' }]);
You also can set the position of the caption block: ...{ element: 'position', caption: 'I am right!', position: 'right' }...
You can execute code and manually quit: ...{ element: 'quit', caption: 'Just wait!', position: 'top', onActive: function(element, step){ ... } }... tutorJS.quit();
Oh! And you can do something on quitting: ...}], { onQuit: function(tutor){ ... } }); And how about some furious slideshow: ...], { auto: 2000 });
Yeah, just stop it if bored: tutorJS.stop(); Or continue again: tutorJS.next(3000); Or just show the next slide: tutorJS.next(); Note that you can disable buttons and slide numbers: ...], { showNext: false, showQuit: false, showCount: false });


Did you know that you can quit tutor by clicking on the dark layout? So you can disable that: ...], { bgQuit: false });
Also you can get some needed info at any time since tutorJS was initialized: alert( 'This slide number is:'+ tutorJS.active + 'Your options is:'+ JSON.stringify(tutorJS.options) + 'OnActive callback is:'+ tutorJS.activeEl.onActive );
And you can even highlight some area and not just an element! Also it is not necessarily to specify captions: ...{ element: { top: 200, left: 200, width: 50, height: 50 }, position: 'top' }...
You can generally hide the hint block at all: ...], { showHint: false }); What is really cool is that you can change settings on the fly! Even redefine your active element: tutorJS.set({ showQuit: false, showNext: true, bgQuit: true },{ position: 'left' caption: 'Yap, that\'s cool!' });
You can also manually recalculate elements positions: tutorJS.recalc();
And of course you can set time for animations (it would be the factor in some cases): ...], { time: 1000 });
Browser Compatibility: